What makes Ulla special, is her ability to
perform and improvize fluently both
in English and Finnish.

Virtanen on vuosia ulkomailla asunut näyttelijä, joka punapigmentin voimalla,
pitkät raajat heiluen nauraa arkisille omituisuuksille —ja ennenkaikkea itselleen.

Vuoden tulokas 2011 -finalistiksi valittu Virtanen on pitkän tauon jälkeen palannut
stand up -lavoille. Ulla on myös improvisaation ammattilainen, joka improvisoi
taitavasti niin suomeksi kuin englanniksikin.

Stand up reel tuottajille
(Salasana pyydettäessä)

Stand up comedy.


VSOP:n klubit On the Rocksissa, syksy 2024
07.09. / 28.09. / 26.10. / 23.11. / 14.12.

VSOP MULLAN ALLA - improvisoitu murhamysteeri
02.11. / 09.11. KokoTeatteri, Helsinki


 Ulla is a professional improviser. She is a member of a professional Improv theater VSOP in Finland. VSOP has been improvising together for 12 years and has also performed internationally.

Ulla also recently joined and is a proud member of feminist improvisational theater
Teatteri Vendetta.

Ulla studied comedy and long form improvisation at the Upright Citizens Brigade, both
in New York and in Los Angeles.
She completed their core training program.

Ulla considers improv to be a skill that makes her the kind of a performer, actor, writer - and a person as she is.

Writing & performing.

Ulla constantly uses her comedy skills. She is a often seen as a guest in panel comedy shows in Finland. She was also a performer in a EVEK comedy talk show ( Me Naiset). Clips above. Ulla hosts events and uses her comedy skills to read the audience, sense the atmosphere and live in the moment.

Ulla also writes for TV. Some of the productions on her resumé include Kultainen Venla TV-Awards, Gaala (entertainment comedy series), Härölä (fiction comedy series) , Hengaillaan (På Spåret Finland) (game show).


Ulla has also been a guest on many TV-entertainment and comedy shows. These include:
Uutisvuoto (YLE), Melkein Mensa (seasons 1,3), Kupla, Kymppitonni, Tuubi etc.

Stand up.

Ulla has performed stand up comedy for several years in Finland.

Ulla was selected to the Stand Up Newcomer of the Year -finalists in 2011. Having a had few years hiatus from the stand up -scene, Ulla returned back to hone her craft in Spring 2023.

She fluently performs both in Finnish
and in English.